Saturday, June 28, 2014

Cali Girl

Two weeks ago my mother & I touched down at LAX.
Sunny L.A from above.

Although this move has been in the works for over a year the moment you leave the only home you've ever known, to create a new one, is a moment that cannot be prepared for.  The choice to leave the east coast behind was unexpected yet it felt oddly natural.  The New York/New Jersey area no longer felt exciting & full of possibility but beyond that it no longer felt comforting. 

My new town!
The feeling that I'm on vacation has not gone away. A part of me feels like I'll be on a plane in a couple of weeks to go back "home" & when I catch myself in those moments I'm always relieved to remember California is home now. Analyzing all the differences between east coast & west coast life at this point would be silly. It'll be some time till I can really call myself a Cali Girl but for the time being I'm looking forward to that day! 

A lamp post in Venice.
My niece Val lives in L.A!
Succulents are planted everywhere in L.A!
Here I am poolside & loving life!

Kara Rose